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User-Generated Content: How to Use it for Your Small Business Social Media Success

User-generated content (UGC) can be valuable for small businesses diving into social media marketing. But what exactly is UGC? It's any original content created by users, from blog posts to social media shares to product reviews. User-generated content is any authentic content made by your most loyal customers. It can go a long way in the social media strategy for your small business.

The Influence and Importance of User-Generated Content

Statistics speak volumes - "85 percent of people claim UGC holds more sway than directly from brands." (Buffer), and "over 2,000 consumers reveal that 83% demand true shopping experiences, and 70% stress the need for personalized brand interactions." (Stackla / Retaildive)

What are the Benefits of User-Generated Content

Leveraging UGC offers businesses more profound insights into customer perceptions and sentiments. It elevates engagement levels and nurtures trust among potential customers through social validation while giving your business a relatable voice.

A sketch of a person speaking into a microphone
User-Generated Content: How to Use it

Embracing All Types of User-Generated Content

You can bet that UGC will evolve and grow as content creation gets more and more creative. For now, what forms of UGC could you encourage from your audience? Here are a few ideas:

  • Product or service reviews by satisfied customers - "Enjoy your new hand-crafted soap from @Elliessoap, and share your review for a $10 coupon off your next order"

  • Engaging hashtag contests - "How do you order your #Bobosicecream? Share your favorite and enter to win a few cone"

  • Customer-produced photos or event videos - "Share your pics from today's open house and tag us"

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